Friday, October 23, 2009

Simple Truth; Godly Results

Yesterday morning we were running late but wanted to do our devotions before leaving the house. Someone said that maybe we should look for a shorter section to read and then pray. I opened to Psalm 119 and said, "I think we should read all 176 verses." The kids laughed and we decided to read verses 9-16. The psalmist asks a simple yet profound question in verse 9, "How can a young man keep his way pure?" Great question! God desires His people to live holy lives. His people, Israel, were to be a light to the nations primarily by living a holy life. A life that is in accordance wth God's commands which when lived out is separate and distinct from the world. And notice that the Psalmist has already assumed this truth! Well, we read and spent a few minutes talking about his answers.
First, we keep it pure by keeping it according to His Word (v.9b). Obedience to His Word will keep our lives pure. Second, by seeking God will all our heart (v.10). In doing so, we will guard from getting of course and becoming stained by sin. Third, His word must be valuable to us so much so that we hide it in our hearts to provide the power and understanding that can keep us from sin (v.11). The Word of God is the key to a pure life, a holy life. We must seek it, treasure it and hide it in our hearts. When we make it our habit to do this, we are empowered to live for God and motivated to not sin against Him.
Well, we considered these few truths, prayed that God would help make these things are habit and headed off to school and work. Praise the Lord for His Word!


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